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Empowering Day's Guide to Self Care

It's no secret that I love Self Care Sundays. But self care can be set aside for any time or day you choose. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the week and even more of a challenge to set aside time for ourselves. However, pouring love into ourselves, makes it easier for us to become more confident, loving, and happier human beings. Here are a few of my tips for an amazing day of self care.

Wake Up With A Grateful Heart.

.These days it is such a blessing to even wake up in the morning. If 2020 has taught us anything it is that life is surely precious and that it is a gift. Things may not be going exactly how you want them to in life but each new day is a fresh start. Be grateful for what each new day brings.


I start my day of self care with journaling. I love to write and it's easy for me to write novels but the 5 Minute Journal by Intelligent Change checks off both boxes of me getting my write on while setting my intentions for the day. It's a great tool that challenges you to live in the present and explore the idea of shifting your perspective toward a more positive life. I actually love this journal so much I give one to all my clients as a gift.


I'm a huge fan of mediation. Not only do I get rid of the stress that I've been holding on to throughout the week, but it increases my self awareness. I find that I feel better and become more focused after I meditate. If you've never meditated before, has a great guide to getting started. Try it. Let me know if it works for you.

No Electronic Devices

This is one that is most challenging. I say no to the TV, computer, and the phone (I only check my phone in the late evening) You'd be amazed at how much free time you have when you take these things out of the equation. We've become so focused on actively taking time to distract ourselves, when instead we could be using that time to connect with our inner selves to bring more peace and clarity into our lives.

Use the Free Time Wisely

For my free time I usually read books. During the pandemic I used to give myself mani-pedis which turned out to be very therapeutic. I have also used my time to pray, do household chores, engage in low impact workouts like yoga, and prep meals for the week. It's really up to you how you use your time but it is all about doing something that brings you joy. If you have a family, use this time to focus on each other. Go outside and enjoy the weather if it's nice, and if it's not find something great to do in the house as a family. Uno Anyone?

These are just a few of my tips, but the list to a great day of self care can truly be endless. It's really all about taking the time to recharge your mind, body and spirit. So give yourself permission to show yourself some #love today and make it habit!

Like this post? Let me know in the comments. What are some of your favorite forms of self care?

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